Making renovations and improvements to your house and lot is one of the greatest benefits of being a homeowner. Sprucing up your home to make it more personal is a great feeling, especially when it gives your residence a bit more aesthetic quality to set it apart from other houses.
One incredibly attractive addition is to have a new custom staircase installed. As great as the idea sounds from the onset, you must first prepare properly to ensure that your house and family aren’t suddenly caught off guard by the changes. By taking some precautions, you can ease this process along—easing the stress from you, your home, and your family.
To help you in this, here are four things you should remember and do prior to installing your new custom staircase in your home.
Although knowing what you want to be done is one thing, making sure that it’s plausible is completely another. While it may seem like an obvious thing, communicating with your custom staircase provider and installer is a crucial first step to the process.
In doing so, you get to set expectations and ensure that you get exactly what you want. Here, you can discuss the material to be used, the budget you’ll need to prepare, and the length of the job to be done. This way, everyone is one the same page—lessening the potential catastrophes that can come later on.
The average installation process would take at least two weeks, given that everything goes right along as planned. This would generally mean that your upper floors won’t be accessible to you, especially if you don’t have a secondary staircase to use for getting around your home.
Prior to starting the job, it’s best to start moving things around. While it might be a good idea to rent a storage area for all your furniture, it’s also plausible to simply move them out of the way during the construction process. Make sure you don’t forget anything—once your old stairs are chopped up, it’ll be difficult to get back upstairs!
As stated earlier, it’s generally a good practice to move all plausible distractions and obstructions away from the worker’s area. This way, your installation service can focus solely on demolishing your stairs and installing your new one.
Aside from the bigger furniture, it’s good to remove the carpeting of your old stairs as well. Although both tasks are relatively quick to do, they still consume time—which can be distracting for the workers to deal with.
The demolition and construction process will definitely make a mess in your home, which is why it’s wise to make a countermeasure in advance. Aside from designating trash removal areas for the bigger chunks removed from your stairs, it’s also advisable to prepare for the onslaught of dust in your home.
Make sure to close all doors upstairs and open windows; this ensures that dust won’t spread and can easily exit your home. Aside from this, prepare facemasks for your family and set-up an air-purifier. This will protect you all from the immediate risks of construction dust.
Installing a new staircase in your home is a great improvement to spruce up your home’s aesthetic, but approaching it haphazardly can be disastrous for your family. By planning the steps accordingly and setting the proper expectations, you can all have an easier time dealing with the construction process.
Are you looking for a custom woodworking provider in Guelph for your custom staircase construction? At Beavers Building, we are one of the best providers of custom woodwork solutions for your home’s needs. Get in touch with us today!